When working with reinforced concrete and when designing reinforced concrete structures, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete, latest edition, is widely used. Future references to this document are denoted as the ACI Code. Likewise, publications of the Portland Cement Association (PCA) find extensive use in design and construction of reinforced concrete structures.
Formulas in this chapter cover the general principles of reinforced concrete and its use in various structural applications. Where code requirements have to be met, the reader must refer to the current edition of the ACI Code previously mentioned. Likewise, the PCA publications should also be referred to for the latest requirements and recommendations.
The water/cementitious (w/c) ratio is used in both tensile and compressive strength analyses of
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where wm = weight of mixing water in batch, lb (kg); and wc = weight of cementitious materials in batch, lb (kg).
The ACI Code lists the typical relationship between the w/c ratio by weight and the compressive strength of concrete. Ratios for non-air-entrained concrete vary between 0.41 for
a 28-day compressive strength of 6000 lb/in2 (41 MPa) and 0.82 for 2000 lb/in2 (14 MPa). Air-entrained concrete w/c ratios vary from 0.40 to 0.74 for 5000 lb/in2 (34 MPa) and 2000 lb/in2 (14 MPa) compressive strength, respectively. Be certain to refer to the ACI Code for the appropriate w/c value when preparing designs or concrete analyses.
Further, the ACI Code also lists maximum w/c ratios when strength data are not available. Absolute w/c ratios by weight vary from 0.67 to 0.38 for non-air-entrained concrete and from 0.54 to 0.35 for air-entrained concrete. These values are for a specified 28-day compressive strength in lb/in2 or MPa, of 2500 lb/in2 (17 MPa) to 5000 lb/in2 (34 MPa). Again, refer to the ACI Code before making any design or construction decisions.
Maximum w/c ratios for a variety of construction conditions are also listed in the ACI Code. Construction conditions include concrete protected from exposure to freezing and thawing; concrete intended to be watertight; and concrete exposed to deicing salts, brackish water, seawater, etc. Application formulas for w/c ratios are given later in this chapter.
A trial batch of concrete can be tested to determine how much concrete is to be delivered by the job mix. To determine the volume obtained for the job, add the absolute volume Va of the four components—cements, gravel, sand, and water.
Find the Va for each component from
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